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Water Filtration Systems Perth

we do what others promise


Where is a whole house filtration system installed?

In general the system is installed outside the house near the water meter or at the side of your home, but there are many more options, which we work out to your needs.

What does a whole house water filter remove?

A good filtration system can remove a wide range of contaminants depending  on the filter stages the water passes through. The quality and micron rating of each filter cartridge determines the grade of purity. The sediment cartridge captures small particles like sand, rust and dirt. The carbon block cartridge reduces chlorine, heavy metals (lead, copper, and mercury), radon, arsenic, pesticides, bacteria, parasites, and volatile organic compounds, ultimately improving taste and reducing odour of your tap water. 

How much does a whole house filtration system cost?

The cost depends on the water source to be treated (i.e. rain water, mains water, bore water) the filter stages applied as well as the puirity grade aimed to be achieved *for more information please visit our Prices*

What are the annual costs for a Whole House Filtration System?

Reducing chemicals, sediments and other impurities out of water costs between $1.30 and $1.50 a day, pretty good considerng the scale, running pure water throughout your entire house. Buying bottled water becomes history and in addition you are saving energy, cutting down on plumbing maintenance, helping the environment by reducing plastic usage, extending the lifetime of your washing machines, dishwashers, hot water systems and taps. By enjoying life instead of cleaning shower screens and polishing glasses, you and your family will experience a healthier and more vital lifestyle.

*Cartridge life is subject to water quality, usage and area you live

How do I know that the filter cartridge needs to be changed?

As our client you will automatically enter our database and receive a reminder e-mail from us after about 12 months* post installation. Losing water pressure is another indicator that the cartridges require changing; in that case you can e-mail or call us

 *Cartridge life is subject to water quality, usage and area you live

How long does it take to install a filtration system?

Once the system is built to your needs it takes about 2-3 hours to have it fully installed & operational.

What are the advantages?
The system also filters out chlorine. This prevents dangerous chlorine vapors from being released while you are showering or using the dishwasher. Washing clothes in filtered water also avoids exposure to contaminants, which may cause skin rashes
We live in a rental property, is it still possible to have a water filter installed?
Communication is the key, our experience with homeowners and agencies are excellent, and by explaining the installation process and benefits we only had positive feedback so far.
Do water softeners remove TDS?
Water softeners do not remove TDS. Instead, they use a process of ion exchange to reduce hardness. Water flowing through the softener passes through a resin, a bed of small plastic beads or chemical matrix (called Zeolite), which exchanges the calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions (salt). Using this process, the level of TDS remains virtually unchanged. Water softeners are designed to "soften" water so that it washes brighter, rinses cleaner and feels better. An additional filter system may be necessary to reduce the TDS level for your drinking water.
How is hard water treated?
A water filtration system or water softener can solve your hard water problem.
Does hard water create problems for homeowners?
Hard water can be very costly to homeowners because it leaves a residue called hard water scale on all washable surfaces. Hard water scale can clog plumbing, which eventually reduces water pressure. It can also damage water heaters, dishwashers, washing machines, coffee makers and virtually all other appliances in the home that use water. This scale leaves spots or streaks on dishes and glassware, and dulls the look of clothing, floors, sinks, tubs, and even hair. In contrast, highly acidic water often causes corrosion that gradually eats away pipes, appliances, heaters, boilers and air-conditioning units. A high level of total dissolved solids (high TDS) indicates hard water, which causes scale to build up in pipes and valves and affects performance. Water with a higher level of TDS tends to be harder.
What is water hardness?
Hardness in drinking water is caused by calcium and magnesium. Excessive hardness makes it difficult for soap to lather, leaves spots on dishware, reduces water flow and can cause pipe, valve and drain scaling.
Why Chlorine Is Bad For You

Chlorine is added to water to reduces disease-causing pathogens. While this is beneficial for public water, chlorine in your household water supply can have negative effects. Chlorine as a volatile chemical has the property to evaporate into the air easily. Steam generation during hot showers create chlorine vapours, that are capable of causing harm through inhalation.

Chlorine evaporates from any water supply in your house and reduces the air quality in your home.

Does the body need to absorb minerals from drinking water?

Inorganic Minerals

There is scientific proof to suggest that most minerals in packaged mineral water are in an inorganic (dead) form. The minerals enter the circulation but are not used in the physiological process of building the human cell. These inorganic minerals only interfere with the delicate and complex biology of the body.

The body gets most of its minerals from food, not drinking water Fact: The organic minerals in tap water represent only 1% of the total mineral content of the water. One glass of orange juice contains more beneficial minerals than 15 liters of untreated tap water.

Organic, or Bio-available Minerals

Only after they have passed through the roots of plants do these inorganic minerals become organic (through photosynthesis) and capable of being assimilated into our tissues as organic minerals. Pure water removes the inorganic mineral deposits in your body. Organic minerals are fully absorbed and remain in your tissues.

Why should children drink pure water?

Immune systems and detoxification systems are still developing in the early childhood and teen years. Exposure to very low levels of toxic chemicals in drinking water at a young age can lead to greater risk of degenerative diseases and learning disorders in later years. Many of the crucial defense systems that protect adults from disease and environmental pollutants are not fully developed in children, so they are much more sensitive to contaminants. Their developing bodies are simply much more sensitive.

Health standards on levels of contaminants we are permitted to consume in drinking water are all based on the potential effects on adults.

Why is pure water healthy?

Toxic minerals affect our bodies as chemicals are found in air and in our food on a daily basis. Water is the only way the body can flush out these toxins. Pure water has a higher capacity to cleanse these compounds from the body.

Is there any maintenance involved on a filtration system?
Apart from replacing the cartridges, we lubricate & change the seals if necessary. The system is built to last and is maintenance free.
What’s in the water entering my home?
Depending on your neighborhood, the water supply to your home may contain all kinds of impurities that are dangerous for humans to drink or even inhale. A whole house water filter can make your water cleaner, healthier, and tastier.
What is a whole house water filtration system?
A whole house water filter is a system connected to your mains water supply. All water used in your house, whether for drinking, cooking, washing, or bathing, will pass through the central filter. This eliminates the need for individual filters on each tap.