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Water Filtration Systems Perth

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Rainwater Filtration

Collecting rainwater can be an alternative to reduce mains water consumption and make daily water usage more cost effective or simply reduce intake of chemically treated water. However, untreated rainwater may contain health concerning contaminants or bacteria in the collection tank and can pose a risk when consumed untreated.

To ensure rainwater meets the quality standards for consumption, Plumbscan rainwater filtration systems are tested and designed to industry standards. The rainwater filtration systems by Plumbscan are tailored to rainwater tank volume capacity and flow rate.

Water purification today – why do we need it?
Water for consumption should be free of harmful bacteria and toxins. Ingesting unfiltered or untreated rainwater can compromise health or lead to health concerning disease. While some naturally occuring minerals are beneficial, added chemicals used to sanitize water or water tanks can still remain in small to high dosage. Furthermore, rainwater tanks can contain washed in particles of rotten tree leaves, bird droppings, dead bugs or airborne contaminants like mold, bacteria and viruses. Rainwater tanks in residential areas nearby high traffic or industrial areas burning fossil fuel, may deal with an emission-contaminated atmosphere. Plumbscan offers professional advice on rainwater filtration systems available to you, to safely enjoy your rain water.

Rain Water Filter System

The benefits of rainwater filters

  • Water filters provide better tasting water by removing particles, airborne contaminants like bacteria and other organic matter
  • Water filters purify your drinking water to a consumable standard protecting your health
  • Water filters build a barrier for small particles that would otherwise pass through such as chipped off metal, rust, plaster or plastics from roofing material or other constructions used as collecting platform
  • Water filters are staged and optimized to work efficiently and cost effective - whole of house water filtration systems are availabe to assist with water purification when rainwater is used up and switching to mains water supply is needed without compromising water quality
  • Water filters by Plumbscan are made of high quality materials for best performance and reliability
Our team at Plumbscan is looking forward to being part of your rainwater filtration project or assist you with professional advice on products available, simply give us a call on...

Phone: 0450 014 185

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